Care for the Environment
We take our environmental responsibilities seriously. In these days of heightened environmental awareness, it's important that every business and every individual think about their impact on the environment. Here are some of the measures we have taken.

Reducing our CO₂ footprint
• More than 40% of our electricity comes from solar panels on the roof
• We have fitted LED bulbs throughout
• Security lights are solar/battery powered
• A+ energy rated fridge
• A 3+ energy rated washing machine
• A3+ energy rated dishwasher
• Coin-operated aircon. encourages responsible use
• The swimming pool is heated with solar mats and an air-source heat pump
• Douoble glazing has been fitted
• Aircon units double as heaters and are regulary serviced.
• The shower for the hot tub/pool is solar heated
• Domestic water is solar heated

Reducing water use
• Toilets have been replaced with modern dual-flush cisterns
• Swimming pool back-wash water is used to irrigate the garden
• Rainwater runoff is diverted to irrigate the gardens
• Gardens are planted with indigenous species to encourage natural wildlife

Waste segregation
• Separate bins are provided in the kitchen to segregate waste into streams
complimenting the recycling bins provided by the Council
Repair and Recycle
• Our maintenance philosophy is, where possible to repair, rather than replace and, where repair is not possible, to recycle what we can. There is an on-site workshop to facilitate this.